
V17E_25- Error-Proofing Essentials

0.1 credits

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Full course description

Welcome to Error Proofing! The usual responsibilities of an engineer or manager include problem solving and/or process troubleshooting. Using established and logical techniques can improve problem-solving skills. Becoming better problem solvers allows us to become more effective engineers or managers and increases our value to an organization. Many production engineering, quality or service issues involve errors that occur at a particular step in a process or activity. “Error Proofing” involves using established principles and techniques to prevent, eliminate or minimize errors. Typically, engineers are responsible for product and/or process design. Work-station design and the sequencing of work activities are also typical functions of engineers, managers or production support personnel. This course will help you be more effective in identifying and applying error proofing at the design stage as well as during production. “Error Proofing” is intended to provide practical information that will enable you and your organization develop and implement an effective approach to error proofing techniques.